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Worker adjusting the wireless access point outside my window.

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Friday, March 18, 2005
Spelling with Flickr

My 'logo,' courtesy Spell with flickr. You type a word in the text box and get images of letters from flickr (here's my photo stream) that spell the word. Then click on individual letters to change images. Plus the source is available to plug in at your own site (like I just did). Fun! Safe! Educational!

Well maybe not educational.

I'm looking forward to showing this to Robbie (grandson #1, now 7). I think he will find it very cool. I would guess most kids would. Letters must be pretty confusing when you are first learning them and trying to decode upper case from lower case. This tool blurs that distinction and randomly tosses the letters up there. Different looks, different colors, different cases. (Maybe it is educational.)

My plan is to have Robbie enter some of his spelling words and then we will build a page that he can 'bring' to school via the Web. (I guess this is what geeky grandpas do.)

I hope the photo loads here won't slow down my blog too much. If they do, I may have to move the picture part to another page and link to it.

In the interest of fairness, Google Blogoscope (cool blog) also has a 'spell with pictures' implementation going via the Yahoo API, recently released. But I like the flickr one the best.

(Spell with flickr via the if:book blog at the Future of the Book site.)


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