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Worker adjusting the wireless access point outside my window.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Minnesota Online Governor Debate
Steven Clift's e-Democracy site is hosting the Minnesota Gubernatorial E-Debate.

Questions are posted and the candidates respond. All five candidates who will appear on the ballot are participating.

One of the questions is "Share a new idea on how your Administration will take advantage of broadband Internet or wireless communication to directly serve Minnesotans?" In Governor Pawlenty's response, he points to the "delivery of real-time, customized information, such as road conditions, employment statistics, criminal data or Medicaid prescriptions." Wow. This is open government stuff. I'm not voting for the man but none of the other candidates mention this.

Other quesion topics include transportation, health care, broadband (long answer format), and National Guard.

The site has a feed so you can read it from your aggregator.


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