Photo of worker adjusting a wireless access point.

Worker adjusting the wireless access point outside my window.

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Monday, July 20, 2009
Officially laid off today from my web developer position at the U of MN
Update: Original post title said I was "laid" today. I wasn't. I was "laid off." Oops.

I have 28 days left with the Masonic Cancer Center IT dept. My options
at the moment include:

1. Bumping someone of lower seniority and taking their job.
2. Going on the "layoff list" where I get priority for jobs I'm qualified for.
3. Taking the severance package which includes 8-weeks salary,
vacation payout, and healthcare at current employee cost for a year
(and I still qualify for unemployment).

I will leave the Cancer Center with a Masters in Public Affairs from
Humphrey (if I finish a paper and pass the stats class by the end of
the summer session). So I am seriously considering option #3. With
unemployment, I should have a nice cushion to look for something in a
policy/strategy area or maybe help a group use the social web. I have
ideas. I have dreams.

If I go that route I will be interested in any freelance web work to
help pay the bills. Or how about a freelance web project that has a
social web component to it? I have some great ideas. I have deep
blogging and twitter experience and I can fake it on Facebook.

If you have some ideas (or work) for me, I'm pfhyper at gmail.

Posted via email from Peter's posterous


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